Life groups meet at 9am on Sunday mornings and are a great way for you to get connected with other church members!

There are groups available for all ages and stages of life, find the one that fits you!

Teacher: Jesse Beech

This adult life group is for mature believers ready to tackle some of the weightier things in God's Word.  This group meets on the West side of the Arena in D building.

Teacher: Carol Roberts

Bloom is for ladies of any age that desire to grow in God's Word.  Come join us as we bloom where God has planted us and develop friendships together! This group meets on the second floor of the main church building.

Teacher: Caleb Cockerill

All teens 6th-12th grade are welcome to join us in the teen room at 9am for life groups!  Cereal is provided, and we hope you join us as we dive into God's Word and learn how to study the Bible more in depth!

Teacher: Jason Garner

This adult life group is for couples who are interested in fellowshipping with other young families as they seek to build their homes around the principles in God's Word.  You can find this classroom in the North hallway on the second floor of D building.

The Middle - Young Adults
Teacher: Chris Jordan

Fresh out of high school? Looking for young adults to connect with?  This group is for you!  This group meets on the second floor of the main church building.

Teacher: Dennis Price

This adult life group is for men and women that desire a deeper connection with each other and the church, as well as a deeper connection with God's Word through intense study and discussion.  This group meets on the east side of the Arena in D building.

Victory Class
Teacher: Mike Hare

This life group is for adults 55+.  The conversation is deep and challenging, and the atmosphere is warm and positive.  Come check us out if you are interested in seeing God's Word from a new perspective!  This group meets in the Victory classroom at the rear of the 1st floor in the main church building.

Prime Time
Teacher: Mickey Hare

This life group is for couples ages 30+ looking to connect and fellowship.  Lessons are geared toward marriage and the home!

Teacher: Lisa Lawrence

This group is for adult ladies!  The loving and welcoming environment of this group makes it ideal for anyone looking for good conversation, friendship, and spiritual growth.  This group meets in pastor's office!

Young Married and Family
Teacher: Mike Spann

This class is for young couples and families just starting out.  Come fellowship with young people who are navigating the same obstacles of life and have conversations centered around the Word of God! This class meets in the upper floor of D-building in room 216.

Growth Tracks

Growth tracks are for all ages.  This class meets at 11am and 7pm on Wednesdays, and is for anyone that desires to gain a strong foundation of spiritual basics to prepare them for one-on-one discipleship! 

For more information on discipleship, visit our Next Steps page or the Next Steps table in our lobby after the Sunday service!

Questions about Life Groups?

We want to help get you connected!

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